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Category: Plantation

6 River Road Plantations to Tour

Posted by: Mae Mayeux Majestic plantation homes reflecting the antebellum grandeur of the Old South are some of the attractions tourists most want to see when they come to South Louisiana. There are many plantations along the Mississippi River, and s… Read more

Regional Spotlight: Plantation Country

Posted by: Mae Mayeux Take a trip back in time to the antebellum South and explore Louisiana’s beautiful and iconic Plantation Country. There is nothing quite like stepping inside of its many preserved plantations, where you can feel the region’s ric… Read more

The Most Haunted Spots in Louisiana

  Slamming doors, disembodied voices, and mysteriously moving objects are just some of the things you might experience while visiting these haunted spots across Louisiana. While there are lots of buildings and cemeteries claiming to have unna… Read more